Lisa Mastroianni CPC
The SELF Care Empowerment Expert

2010 - present
2010 - present
Lisa from MA
"After being a stay-at-home mom for 15 years and the realization that my youngest daughter is a couple of years away from going off to college, I felt that I was at a significant crossroad in my life. What do I do next? I have spent countless hours volunteering throughout the years but I realized that it is time to rethink my future. Lisa, using her skills and talents, helped me identify my values and goals and unveil my life-path. She helped me uncover my self-defeating attitudes and thoughts. Lisa helped me realize that the biggest hurdles can be our own thoughts and perceptions. Once you identify the negative voice, she taught me techniques to change my thoughts, which then had a definite change in my actions.
I always thought I was a very self-reflective and had a high degree of self-knowledge, but I soon realized that I had numerous fears and negative self-talk that hindered my thinking. Since our meetings, I’ve been more directed in completing projects that I was delaying, improved by relationship with my husband and my children, and I am on my way to identifying a career that I would like to pursue. Aside from her skills as a life coach, she has a true passion to help people improve their lives. I highly recommend Lisa to help you unlock your true potential in a career and in your life."
John from NY
"Lisa's intuitive, compassionate, yet totally direct style helped me drill deep. Thanks to her special ways of helping one take decisive action, Lisa's coaching led me to cut through long-term challenges both on the job and at home, and taught me things that still work in my life every day. It was a transformative experience of great value."
Comments from a Workshop
"Wasn't sure I wanted to attend, thoroughly enjoyed myself"
"It was great to realize we're all so much alike"
"Realizing I can solve my own problems"
"I learned that I can stop my negative thought processes" D from PA
"I learned more about how my thoughts create my feelings and I can create the feeling I want by changing the thought" K from NJ
"I got everything on my list done, without getting in my way" M from NJ